Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

look ma- I got a blog!

About 6 months ago I had a converstation with some mates about how much we rely on web serach engines. Have I become that lazy that I will now type something into the top right corner of the browser, then allow the engine to correct my spelling. Do I even think anymore, or do I just see what other people think and then pick an option that someone has blogged about? So if all I have to do is type in and then pick the most plausible solution? The answer is pretty much yes, but sometimes there is no solution, or none of it is correct. You’ve used the internet before, you know what I’m talking about.

In order to prove to myself that I am actually capable of my own thought processes that are not reliant on RFC 791 I’m going to start writing some useful and cool stuff that I figured out or found hard to compile information about.

This is my contribution to the noise of the internet. Now you’ll get to read these pages when you search for random, seemingly non-sensical error messages from the gooey centre of your Unix-flavoured infrastructure.